Start a powerful server and reduce costs.
Two new pig varieties will arrive in Minecraft.
Your movie watchlist for 2025.
In 2024, peculiar artificial intelligence benchmarks like Will Smith eating spaghetti, Pictionary, and Minecraft gained significant popularity. What is the reason behind this phenomenon?
Get ready for Ballistic.
A variety of AI-powered study tools are harnessing the "PDF to Brainrot" trend, which allows users to read the text of an uploaded document in an "extraordinarily satisfying" way.
The Department of Justice has plans related to Chrome, while the cultural phenomenon of Minecraft continues to thrive. On the other hand, Sony realizes that the PlayStation Portal lacks an important feature.
For some 🪔 For others 🚽
AfrAId turned out to be a great disappointment.
Minecraft players will see virtual reality become a thing of the past, similar to a creeper exploding. Mojang has decided to end support for all virtual reality and augmented reality platforms starting in March 2025.
The surprise is part of the fun.
The surprise has been spoiled, but many doubts still remain.
Microsoft has decided to cease production of its HoloLens headsets.
The CEO of Epic states that they have a very long time horizon.
New releases in fiction, non-fiction, and comics that have caught our attention.