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Mon Feb 17 2025

"Trails through Daybreak shows that video games can represent trans individuals in a normal way."

The RPG series Legend of Heroes by Falcom has a notable history in the representation of queer characters.

Over two decades, few video games have endured as much as The Legend of Heroes. This franchise has told a continuous story spanning more than a dozen games, an anime, several mangas, and other formats, following the adventures of young heroes battling oppressive political forces that shape national boundaries. Its narrative is characterized by being both elaborate and lighthearted, addressing conflicts resolved through the power of friendship and international trade agreements. However, the group of heroes in Trails through Daybreak stands out particularly. Independent workers, orphans, queer individuals, and ethnic minorities come together as a chosen family in a French-inspired setting, confronting villains allied with capitalists who stoke racial tensions in a multicultural nation. These heroes oppose and combat the anti-immigrant rhetoric and white supremacy of their opponents, who often camouflage strategies to take over economically.

A conversation between Van Arkride, the spiky-haired protagonist and car enthusiast, and a new team member, Quatre, exemplifies this approach. Van asks Quatre about their pronouns, a valid question given that Quatre, sporting high boots and an outfit that confuses their gender expression, provokes varied responses among the group members. Quatre's reaction is one of surprise, while younger team members than Van show offense at the question. Although this is not a typical exchange about gender identity, it represents a respectful attempt to understand an ambiguous gender presentation.

Despite generating some controversy within the gaming community, true fans of The Legend of Heroes displayed surprising acceptance of the inclusion of a queer character, which should not surprise those who have played previous titles in the series. Since the beginning of the Trails series, Nihon Falcom has shown interest in racial and ethnic diversity in its stories. The worlds of this RPG are populated by fictional versions of real countries and cultures, showcasing different names, clothing, and architecture. For example, Trails in the Sky takes place in a British-style kingdom with a benevolent queen.

The presence of sexual diversity has also been a part of the universe since its inception, highlighted through Olivier, a blonde bard with a hedonistic personality who flirts with young characters. As the plot develops, it becomes evident how representations of diversity have evolved. In the Sky trilogy, scenes of cross-dressing are emphasized without resorting to humor based on discrimination, instead portraying the characters with sympathy.

Over time, especially during the last decade, the inclusion of queer characters in Zemuria has become more normalized. In Trails from Zero, Wazy is introduced as an androgynous young man who, although he leads a gang, provides support to those without a place in society. His dynamic with the protagonist, Lloyd, creates humorous situations that reflect an evolution in representation.

The development of the Trails of Cold Steel tetralogy addresses character complexities over its more than 300 hours of narrative, although some characters, like Angelica, exhibit stereotypical traits that have been criticized. However, the evolution in the perception of these characters has been evident over time. Leona Renee, who has worked on the localization of several titles, has noticed that social norms and public perception of queer culture have changed significantly in the last decade.

For the release of Trails through Daybreak in 2024, a careful selection of the English voice cast was made, with Quatre portrayed by a non-binary actor. This advancement, by coding the character with transmasculine elements, reflects a more empathetic approach to diversity. In this new chapter, themes of identity and sexuality are explored, and queer characters are presented in a more normalized manner.

Among the new characters introduced, there are also allies who contribute to Zemuria's diverse environment, showcasing inclusive development in the narrative. Daybreak and its sequel continue to offer a more nuanced representation of queer characters, highlighting diversity without resorting to caricatures.

Throughout its evolution, the franchise has maintained its essence, presenting heroes and villains in a complex world that addresses themes of imperialism and white supremacy. While character development has become more significant and mature, the plot remains entertaining, with moments of humor and romance that have characterized the series since its inception. This growth in both narrative and representation demonstrates that high art is not necessary to capture reality: a rich and diverse world where heroes face the powerful.