Cover Image for Google y Microsoft ahora consumen más energía que algunos países bastante grandes.

Google y Microsoft ahora consumen más energía que algunos países bastante grandes.

Las grandes empresas tecnológicas consumen más recursos que muchos países.

Tech giants Google and Microsoft have been revealed to have individually consumed 24 TWh of electricity each in 2023, an amount exceeding the energy consumption of over 100 countries. Research conducted by Michael Thomas indicates that the energy consumption of both companies equaled that of Azerbaijan, a country with a GDP of approximately $78.7 billion. This is in contrast to Google's revenue of $307.4 billion and Microsoft's revenue of $211.9 billion in 2023.

The vast energy consumption by these companies not only underscores their significant environmental impact but also highlights their vast scale compared to entire nations. For instance, Iceland, Ghana, the Dominican Republic, and Tunisia each consumed 19 TWh, while Jordan consumed 20 TWh. This comparison emphasizes the staggering energy requirements of Big Tech companies and the environmental implications of data centers that power cloud services and artificial intelligence.

The substantial electricity consumption of Google and Microsoft necessitates ongoing conversations around sustainability and the adoption of renewable energy sources. Both companies have committed to becoming carbon-free or carbon-negative by the end of the decade, with substantial investments in cleaner energies already underway.

With market capitalizations of $2.294 trillion and $3.372 trillion respectively, Google and Microsoft rank as the fourth and second-most valuable companies globally. Given the scale of their operations, comparable to that of entire nations, these companies are closely watched as the world's economies strive to address and reverse environmental harm.