
Netflix presents 8 new movies and series with 100% approval on Rotten Tomatoes so far in 2025.
From true crime documentaries to classic animations, it encompasses a wide variety.
As the year 2025 approaches, Netflix is preparing to strengthen its position as one of the leading streaming services in the market. The platform will release numerous titles that have received a perfect 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, ensuring high-quality content.
Among the new releases is "Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl," a film that marks the return of the beloved characters from Aardman Animation. This new project has captivated critics, who describe it as "the most entertaining movie of the year."
Another title promising laughs is "Cunk on Life," a TV special featuring Philomena Cunk, presented by Diane Morgan, as she tackles life's big questions with the characteristic biting humor of its creators. Critics have praised Morgan's performance, highlighting her uniqueness.
Fans of "Dragon Ball" also have reasons to get excited about "Dragon Ball Diama," a new entry in this iconic saga that offers a fun and nostalgic story set between "Dragon Ball Z" and "Dragon Ball Super." This series has been received as a gift for franchise enthusiasts.
In the realm of reality TV, "Offline Love" is a Japanese program where young singles attempt to find partners in Nice, France, away from modern technology, which has resonated positively with audiences.
On the other hand, "Cassandra" combines elements from various genres as it tells the story of a family that awakens an artificial intelligence home assistant with sinister intentions. This series has been considered a potential new international gem for Netflix.
In the true crime genre, "American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson" explores the famous O.J. Simpson case, offering new content and interviews that reveal surprising perspectives on the matter.
Additionally, "Asura," a Japanese drama set in 1979, follows four sisters whose lives crumble upon discovering their father's affair, while "Black Warrant," based on a book about life in an Indian prison, offers a critical view of the penitentiary system.
With such a diverse variety ranging from comedy to deep dramas, Netflix ensures that there will be something for everyone's taste by the end of February.