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Thu Mar 06 2025

The Most Iconic Video Game Villains of All Time, Ranked.

Often, the characters you are supposed to hate are the ones you end up liking the most. Villains in video games have existed for decades, so here we rank the most memorable among the worst.

Often, players establish some kind of connection with the character they control in video games; however, it is usually the villain who steals the spotlight. In many franchises, the antagonist remains constant while the hero changes, creating a rivalry that transcends the game itself. A good villain can be many things: from difficult final battles, to having goals that evoke sympathy or being so evil that it’s entertaining to watch them. Some of these villains have challenged us since the NES era, while others are more recent. As new video games are released, we will undoubtedly encounter more memorable antagonists, but for now, here is our ranking of the greatest villains in video game history.

7. Dr. Wily - Capcom
Dr. Wily deserves a spot on this list for being one of the oldest recurring villains on the NES. Each Mega Man game featured a unique cast of robot masters to face, but there was always the same mad scientist orchestrating his machinations. We always defeated him in the end, invading his castle and capturing him (except for the occasion when Mega Man, tired of his antics, tried to end him). His constant motivation was the pursuit of world domination, as his partner always received the recognition for his work in robotics.

6. Bowser - Nintendo
Though Bowser ranks sixth, his iconic popularity is undeniable. However, when assessing his quality as a villain, he comes off as an archetypal antagonist. His goals typically include kidnapping Peach, conquering the Mushroom Kingdom, or eliminating Mario, with few exceptions. Although Super Mario RPG gave him a bit more depth, most of the time he is simply a fun rival who turns out to be more of a friend to Mario than an enemy.

5. Ganon/Ganondorf - Nintendo
On the other hand, Ganon is never kind or fun. This antagonist is one of Nintendo’s most enduring, improving with each installment. Ganon started as a strange creature, but throughout the Legend of Zelda games, he has evolved in surprising ways. Ganondorf presents himself as a threatening figure who has turned Hyrule into a desert, and on several occasions, he has accomplished what he set out to do, leaving the hero solely with the task of trying to rescue what remains. Although his screen time is brief, each appearance is enough to convey his power and instill fear.

4. Vaas - Ubisoft
The simple presentation of Vaas was sufficient to captivate players, especially with the line "Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?" which showcased his instability and danger. Despite his madness, he has his own moral code, the interpretation of which is impossible, leading to uncertainty regarding his reactions. Some wish Vaas had been the main villain in Far Cry 3 rather than the game continuing beyond their final confrontation.

3. Albert Wesker - Capcom
From the start, Wesker emanated an energy that incited violence. His appearance and arrogant demeanor betrayed his evil nature. As the main antagonist of the Resident Evil series up to the fifth installment, Wesker was a physical and mental force that no one could easily defeat. His grand plans, filled with conspiracies and viruses, offered an intriguing plot that was satisfying to unravel. Although it’s not common to face him, the experience of battling him is always memorable.

2. Sephiroth - Square Enix
There are differences in the portrayal of Sephiroth between the original Final Fantasy 7 and its remakes, but his impact endures. His terrifying aura came from the fact that, during the early hours, only his name was mentioned and his path of destruction was witnessed. The first time he appears, his figure impresses as much as expected, and one cannot forget how his conviction that his actions are just makes him a memorable villain.

1. Senator Armstrong - Konami
The Metal Gear games and Kojima's works have predicted future realities, and Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising is a clear example. This corrupt politician speaks as if he were a real one, advocating the idea that the strong must act in their own way while promoting a nationalist message of revolution. His threat becomes more real as it reflects current times, turning his evil plan into a disturbing reality. At least in the game, his confrontation is epic and accompanied by an impressive soundtrack.