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Tue Jan 21 2025

The Best Video Game Controllers of All Time, Ranked.

It doesn't matter how great a console's games are if its controller is lacking. Here we present a ranking of the best controllers we've been able to test over time.

Video game consoles heavily rely on their accompanying controllers. A good game can become boring if played with a poor controller. Throughout history, controllers have evolved, and their design has significantly impacted the gaming experience. Some of the most notable controllers that marked their time include:

Atari 2600
Atari did a remarkable job simplifying its controller. At a time when other competing consoles were trying to be innovative with buttons and dials, the joystick and button of the Atari turned out to be quite simple yet effective, providing a solid foundation for future developments.

NES Controller
Nintendo set a new standard with the NES controller. Its D-pad revolutionized gameplay, and the layout of the two buttons made it accessible and easy to use. Though its shape was a bit small and its edges somewhat sharp, it is considered nearly perfect for 2D games.

N64 Controller
The N64 controller has an unusual design with three grips. While it worked well with the central and right grips, the D-pad and left button were rarely used. However, it introduced the Z button as a trigger, marking an advancement in controller design.

Sony Sixaxis
The PS3 generation was complicated for Sony, and its launch controller, the Sixaxis, didn’t help much. By opting to eliminate the vibration system in favor of impractical motion controls, this controller felt clumsy and ineffective, especially in shooting games.

Xbox Duke Controller
The size of the Duke controller was one of its main issues. Despite its size, it included good joysticks, triggers, and buttons. While the black and white buttons were a strange choice, it competed adequately with Nintendo and Sony due to its design.

GameCube Controller
The GameCube controller improved on what the N64 controller should have been. Its design included reasonable sticks and buttons, as well as pleasant-to-touch triggers. Despite some curious details, such as the C-stick being button-shaped and the lack of a second bumper button, it is still considered functional and appealing.

Sony DualShock
The original DualShock has become the standard for modern controllers. With two joysticks, a D-pad, four front buttons, two triggers, and two bumper buttons, it established a foundation that has endured over time.

Xbox 360 Controller
The Xbox 360 controller refined the design of the DualShock. While some prefer the offset sticks, it is undeniable that its curved triggers were a clear improvement and its buttons provide a satisfying experience. However, its D-pad lacks precision.

Sony DualSense Edge
The DualSense Edge is the most advanced controller for the PS5. It combines all the functionalities of the original DualSense, including haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, plus it features programmable paddles and interchangeable parts. However, its battery life could be better.

Xbox Elite Controller
Microsoft has consistently improved its controllers since the Duke, and the Elite series is the culmination of these efforts. Like the Edge, it allows for customization of almost all its components and color schemes through a design lab. It is ergonomic, includes all necessary buttons, and approaches perfection in modern design, making its price worthwhile for dedicated gamers.