Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown is the first turn-based video game in the long history of the franchise.
A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is in development, and it is a tactical RPG. The project is being handled by Strange Scaffold, known for its strong track record in the video game industry.
A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game has been announced, and it stands out significantly from previous releases in the franchise. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown, as its name suggests, is a turn-based strategy RPG. In this game, players will control characters on a grid-based map, where each turn allows for specific movements or actions.
What truly distinguishes this title from other turn-based strategy games is the duration of the battles, which are completed in a matter of "minutes," unlike the long sessions found in titles like Unicorn Overlord. According to the trailer, the fights are even more dynamic than those in the Mario + Rabbids series. Additionally, each player controls one of the turtles in a solo campaign before teaming up to face a boss.
Visually, the game maintains a cartoon style that aligns with the essence of the franchise, evoking the aesthetic of a tabletop gaming session with D&D miniatures. Players can see several of the turtles' favorite locations, from the sewers to the New York subway system. This approach could be an interesting way to attract new players to the genre.
This installment not only represents an innovative approach to the TMNT universe but also marks a new type of development for Scaffold Games, the company behind this project. Previously, they had released titles that deviated from the turn-based strategy genre, such as Clickholding, El Paso, Elsewhere, I Am Your Beast, and Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown will be released for PC sometime next year and is already available for pre-order on Steam. However, the publisher, Paramount Game Studios, has not communicated anything about a possible console release, so it might be wise to wait before planning a pizza party.