Cover Image for Kindle Colorsoft Owners Complain About a Yellow Bar on the E-Reader's Screen.
Sun Nov 03 2024

Kindle Colorsoft Owners Complain About a Yellow Bar on the E-Reader's Screen.

They call me soft yellow.

Users have started receiving Amazon's new color e-reader, the Kindle Colorsoft Signature Edition, but many have expressed disappointment upon discovering a yellow and discolored band at the bottom of the screen. Complaints about the display of this device, which retails for $279.99, have proliferated online and have negatively impacted its rating on Amazon, where some customer service representatives claim that a solution is being worked on.

A Reddit user shared a thread with images, pointing out that the discoloration is more evident when the Kindle "should be illuminated and colored uniformly, like a sheet of paper." Many others facing the same issue have opted to exchange their Colorsoft for a new one or simply return it. Some mentioned that they only noticed the flaw when using the device's edge lighting.

This discoloration may be fixable through a software update, as a person who replied to the post included a screenshot of a customer service agent confirming that Amazon is working on a fix. Several people in another thread commented that the problem did not appear until after an initial software update, which may be relevant.

It is unclear how widespread this issue is. Currently, the Kindle Colorsoft has an average rating of 2.6 stars on Amazon's website, and a large portion of both positive and negative reviews mention the discoloration. Some indicate that the yellow band is barely noticeable, while others find it too disruptive to continue using the device. In tests conducted by some media outlets, it has been noted that the discoloration is more apparent in photos than in reality, and in some cases, users may not have noticed it if it weren't for others' complaints.